Video, waiting room TV & photos for medical professionals

Pictures say more than a thousand words! Really? But yes! The human brain processes images 60,000 x faster than textual information and 90% of the information sent to the brain is visual in nature! Photo and video content should therefore also play an important part in practice marketing for your medical practice or medical facility. No matter whether it is about the production of your image film or your completely individualized practice TV – we are happy to support you in the visual communication with your patients and potential employees.

We put your vision into practice!

Film, waiting room TV, photo shoot, illustrations – our practice marketing for medical professionals

Movies & Waiting Room TV

Increased attention, emotional memory, higher interaction and more reach – use the advantages of video content to establish your health brand, to promote your medical service portfolio or to target patients as well as to recruit employees.

Waiting room TV / Practice TV

According to a study by the German Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians, patients spend about 30 min. in the waiting room of the doctor’s office. The best time, therefore, to introduce your practice team and the philosophy of the medical facility or to advertise your medical services with pinpoint accuracy.

For this, rely on a waiting room TV tailored to your medical facility and fully customized in terms of content and design. We at praxivisio take care of the initial conception and regular updating of your practice TV.

Corporate video

Introduce yourself, your team, your facility and your services in just a few minutes and ensure that your patients will remember you for a long time because of the positive emotions you arouse. Use a professional image film to build an attractive healthcare brand or to effectively underscore it. From concept to shooting to editing – we take care of all production steps of your image film for the doctor’s office, hospital, laboratory or pharmacy.

Animated explainer videos

Shorten long explanatory talks in the practice and use animated explanatory videos to inform your patients about complicated medical issues in just a few moments and via comprehensible images. Professional motion designers create an explanatory video tailored to your needs and designed in the corporate design of your medical practice or medical facility.

Social Media Videos

Social media videos are short videos of about 20 to 30 seconds in length, which, as the name suggests, are used on the various social media channels (Facebook, Instagram and Co.) to quickly and effectively reach your target audience and prompt them to take action (likes, shares, etc.).

Short videos are becoming more important in social media marketing! In 2022, 75% of social media users are more likely to follow a company page if it provides video content. So get started with professional social media videos too!

Photos & Illustrations

Whether medical graphics or professionally produced photos – images attract the eye and thus the attention of your patients to your medical practice or medical facility. Communication in the form of images is therefore a key element in building a healthcare brand and is simply part of a holistic practice marketing strategy!

Medical graphics / illustrations

For use on the practice website, in the practice flyer or in the patient brochure – medical graphics help to inform patients about medical content in a clear and simplified way. Our graphic designers create medical graphics or illustrations exactly for your purposes and according to your ideas.

Photo shoot

Put your practice team in the right light with a professional photo shoot and give your patients the chance to find out who is behind the organization of your doctor’s office, dental practice or medical facility even before their first visit.

Image Packages / Stock Images

It is not always possible to produce topic-specific photos at short notice and in a way that conserves resources. So-called stock images are the perfect solution. From large digital image databases, we search for the images that are suitable for you and the area of application and take care of the smooth license purchase of the media.

Customers who trust in us:

Reference waiting room TV / practice TV: mga Physiotherapie & Osteopathie Melanie Franke


Video, Waiting Room TV & Photo: You have a question? We are very happy to answer them!

Why choose praxivisio for the creation of your videos, waiting room TV or practice images of your medical practice or med. facility?

praxisvisio is a highly motivated, dynamic and friendly creative team from Berlin’s vibrant Mitte district. Whether photographer, videographer, motion designer or graphic designer, each of our colleagues and partners has many years of professional experience in their own field. praxivisio founder and managing director Carolin Besherz has herself managed the marketing department in an MVZ and an ophthalmology practice and therefore knows about the challenges of your everyday practice and the peculiarities of the medical industry.

How does praxivisio's waiting room TV work?

In an initial joint meeting, we discuss which topics you want to cover with your practice TV and which target group you want to address with it. Your individual design concept is then developed and the waiting room TV is created in the form of a film. After about 2 to 3 weeks, we will provide you with the waiting room TV digitally and in MP4 format. So you can then conveniently play this movie on all your desired screens within your medical office or medical facility and in continuous loop.

Can the content of the waiting room TV be updated regularly?

Oh yes! After a one-time conception of your waiting room TV, do you want to change the content regularly? We are happy to offer you various monthly waiting room TV updaters at reasonable prices.

What additional costs will we incur if we decide to use praxivisio's waiting room TV?

When you choose your individual waiting room TV from praxivisio, you are not forced to take out cost-intensive security and maintenance packages, invest time and money in training, nor install special systems or buy technology from us.

It’s simple: we provide you with the waiting room TV as a movie in MP4 format and you play it in continuous loop on one of your screens.

How long does it take until the finished image film is available to us?

Depending on the effort (e.g. are animations also included?) and film length, we can provide you with the finished image film after approx. 4 to 8 weeks. The exact project duration is, of course, also always dependent on how promptly you can schedule the dates for the individual (but few) project deadlines and provide us with the required content and give approvals.

The following project steps are passed through until the finished image film: joint kick-off meeting, production and approval of the storyboard or a small screenplay, film planning and filming on location, e.g. in your practice, internal material review, rough cut, fine cut, audio editing, color grading, text and/or logo animations if necessary, delivery and correction loop if necessary.

The image film is made available to you in the form of a download link in either MP4, Full HD or 4K formats.

How long does it take to provide us with the finished animated explainer video?

Depending on the effort or style and film length, we can provide you with the finished animated explainer video after about 3 to 6 weeks. The exact project duration is, of course, also always dependent on how promptly you can schedule the dates for the individual (but few) project deadlines and provide us with the required content and give approvals.

The following project steps are completed before the animated explainer video is ready: joint kick-off meeting, production and approval of the storyboard or a small script and, if necessary, the voice-over text, recording of the voice-over text if necessary, production of the animations, internal audio editing, text and logo animations if necessary, handover and correction loop if necessary.

The animated explainer video is provided to you in the form of a download link in either MP4 or Full HD formats.

Let’s take off together!

Do you have questions about our services, want to book one of our packages, or would you prefer to launch your practice marketing concept directly with us? Feel free to contact us. Then please feel free to contact us.